Solstice Meditation December 18th

Tuesday December 21st is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day (and longest night) of the year.

Celebrate this time with us! Watch the recording of our live solstice meditation from Saturday December 18th.

Our December meditation theme is slowing down, and listening to your intuition. At the end of all of our fitness classes we do a 5 minute guided meditation where sit quietly and ask our internal guide “what do I need right now?”.

If the idea of listening to your intuition seems daunting, no worries, you can strengthen your listening skills just as you would strengthen your biceps, by repetitive practice. Join us for one of our live zoom classes, and do this short meditation with us, or tune in to our 30 minute session on Saturday the 18th.

Why celebrate the solstice?

For ancient cultures, the winter solstice was seen as a time of rebirth, or new beginning, often celebrated with festivals and rituals.

You’ve most likely heard of the German yule log. Did you know about these other mid winter traditions?

Iranians gather at the house of the oldest relative to eat, drink and read poetry, feasting on nuts, pomegranates and watermelon.

In Japan the custom is to soak in a hot yuzu, or citrus fruit bath. This is thought to boost your immune system, so that you will not catch a cold during the winter.

I love rituals that encourage sharing good food with friends and family, and relaxing.

If slowing down sounds good to you right now, listen to our meditation from Saturday December 18th as we sit and contemplate this special time of year.

If you’d like to be notified of our next live event sign up for Fluid’s newsletters by entering your email address into that box over there on the right ->

September Gratitude Challenge Starts On The 19th!

To join this challenge send an email saying “I’m in!” to

What is it:

  1. Sit with us live Saturday the 19th at 11 am PDT (or catch up later with the audio recording).
  2. Receive an email prompt from me, once each day, for 7 days.
  3. Write down one thing you are grateful for.
  4. Respond to my email, or post your daily gratitude on Fluid’s facebook page (if social media is your thing).
  5. Notice your feelings.

I am thankful for you!

This year we are changing up our September Challenge. In years past we have focused on nutritious food, healthy movement, basically using this time of year as a fresh start to get back on track, or back into a routine. This year feels so very different. Rather than a list of assignments, we are focusing on one thing – gratitude!

Studies show that expressing gratitude can improve your sleep, reduce cellular inflammation, and strengthen your relationships. While it may not feel like it right now, we have many things, and people to be thankful for.

How do you express gratitude? You can send your special person a quick text, or an email, you can write out an actual handwritten thank you card (yes, like with a stamp, thru the mail!), you can call your person and tell them what they mean to you. This could also be a more personal thing, maybe you keep a gratitude journal, that only you read.

So how do we get going? Join us live for a Zoom group meditation Saturday September 19th at 11 am. We will set our goals for the week, talk about possible stumbling blocks and how to address them, then sit for 30 – 45 minutes. you may join us for part or all of this, and I will record an audio file of our meditation that you can re-listen to anytime.

Each day I will email you one short prompt. I challenge you to spend one minute each day reflecting on gratitude. Start small, literally one minute, write down one thing, and see where this goes. Notice how this process makes you feel. Do it every day, first thing in the morning, creating a habit.

To join this challenge send an email saying “I’m in!” to

To recap our plan:

  1. Sit with us Saturday the 19th at 11 am.
  2. Read your daily email prompt from me.
  3. Write down one thing you are grateful for.
  4. Respond to my email, or post your daily gratitude on Fluid’s facebook page.
  5. Notice how this daily gratitude habit makes you feel.

Help me spread the word! Who do you know who would benefit from this? Can you send your special person this post, inviting them to join the September Gratitude Challenge?

Thanks, I appreciate you!


*FREE* Meditation Workshop This Saturday At Noon

Are you suffering from anxiety, stress, or sleep issues? during stressful times when things feel out of control I like to focus on what is under my control. I can control my breath and my thoughts (well, most of the time)

This Saturday, in lieu of our weekly interview we are going to sit together. Please join us for five or ten minutes, or stay for the whole class.

We will go through simple breathwork exercises, guided meditation, and gentle movement. you will feel calm, centered, and relaxed heading into your weekend.

  • Meditation workshop
  • Saturday June 20th
  • 12 pm
  • No experience or equipment necessary

Click this link to join us.

Meeting ID 856 2194 7304

Meeting Password 875675

Anne McCranie is a Portland, Oregon based Personal Trainer and Licensed Massage Therapist. She offers weekly Pilates, yoga, Barre, Energy Flow and R.O.S.S. classes, and one on one strength, balance, and flexibility sessions.

What Are You Thankful For?

I am thankful for you!. I am surrounded by a diverse group of supportive, fascinating people and I appreciate each and every one of you!

thank you card

Thanksgiving is coming up and I have been thinking about all the things and people I am thankful for. Did you know that cultivating gratitude can improve your health? Research shows that grateful people are better able to cope with stress, have improved immune function, sleep better, and exercise more regularly than those with a less optimistic outlook.

You have probably heard me talk about my Grannie Mattie. She was always positive. Always! Once I asked her if she ever got depressed and she said “sometimes I think about Grandpa (who is deceased) and I get sad, but then I just think of something funny one of your kids said when you were little and then I laugh and laugh!”

Want to train your brain to be more optimistic? Here are three things you can start doing today:

  1. Keep a gratitude journal. Once a day, preferably first thing in the morning, write down one thing you are grateful for. And yes there’s an app for that.
  2. Think of the good times. Stuck in traffic? Stressful exchange with a co-worker? Think back to a happy moment from your past (just like Mattie did).
  3. Say thank you. Thank someone who did something nice for you either in person, via email, or sit down with pen and paper and write a thank you note.

This month I challenge you to share your gratitude. What are you thankful for? Leave a gratitude post on Fluid’s facebook page and you could win a massage gift certificate. Winner will be announced on the December newsletter.

What newsletter you say? Sign up for Fluid’s monthly newsletter by adding your email address in the box up there on the right ->


Anne McCranie is a Portland (Sellwood), Oregon based Personal Trainer and Licensed Massage Therapist. She offers integrative movement + massage sessions to help you care for your body and mind.

Gentle Yoga, Mindfulness And Meditation Workshop Saturday May 3rd

Had a long week? Join Anne for an afternoon of mindfulness.


We start with gentle seated yoga to warm up our bodies and calm our minds, then explore your five senses with a mindfulness exercise, and finish with a guided meditation.

  • Who: You! And your Fluid family
  • What: 90 minutes total, the class includes gentle movement and sitting quietly with short rest breaks
  • When: Saturday May 3rd at 2 pm
  • Where: Fluid World headquarters 1626 S.E. Sherrett Street, Portland, Or 97202
  • Why: reduce stress, improve your mood, increase your awareness and strengthen your relationships

New to yoga or meditation? This is the perfect introduction. If you are not able to sit on the floor (like Anne in the above photo) please bring a pillow, blanket or towel. Anne will also have props to make you comfortable.

Click here and here for more info about the benefits of meditation.

Questions? Call Anne (503) 705-4762. R.S.V.P. to by Friday May 2nd to reserve your spot.

Anne McCranie is a Portland Oregon based Licensed Massage Therapist and Personal Trainer. She offers one on one training, weekly classes and monthly workshops. A list maker and go getter she is working on getting comfortable with stillness, silence and moving s-l-o-w-l-y and invites you to join her on this journey.