1) Bridge:
- Start on your back with feet hip distance apart.
- Exhale as you slowly roll your pelvis up to the ceiling.
- Inhale and hold, allowing your chest to relax.
- Exhale and roll back down one vertebra at a time.
- Back and hamstring strength, spine mobility.
2) Cobra:
- Start on your tummy with hands by your shoulders.
- Engage your abdominals and reach out through the top of your head.
- Lift head and chest up into a small back extension.
- Back strength, chest stretch.
3) Saw:
- Sit up tall with legs extended in front of you (sit on a block if needed).
- Inhale as you twist to the right.
- Exhale as you reach your left hand to the outside of your right foot, right hand to the ceiling.
- Come back to center, then twist and reach to the left.
- Spinal flexion and rotation, shoulder stretch.
4) Teaser:
- Start on your back with legs in the air (knees can be bent or straight).
- Circle your arms back by your ears and down to your side as you roll up to seated.
- Slowly roll back to the mat one vertebra at a time.
- Core strength, spine flexibility, shoulder mobility and stabilization.
5) Triangle:
- Stand with feet about three feet apart, front point pointing straight ahead, back foot slightly turned out.
- Reach front arm out as you tilt your torso over your front leg and rest your hand somewhere on your leg or a block. Arms will end up somewhere around 6 and 12 o’clock.
- Hold for one minute then switch sides.
- Standing balance, inner thigh and hip stretch.