1) Warrior II:
(Side lunge with front knee bent, back knee straight)
- Step right foot forward between your hands, step left foot back and press left heel firmly into the mat.
- Stack your shoulders over your hips (hips and shoulders face the side wall) and reach arms out to the side.
- Bend your front knee right over your ankle, as if your knee were looking over your front toes.
- Hold for one minute then switch sides.
- Hip stretch, balance, leg and back strength.
2) Leg Pull Back:
(Reverse plank with leg lift)
- From seated, lift hips up into a reverse plank with hands under your shoulders and fingers facing forward.
- Exhale as you lift your right leg a few inches off the ground; inhale as you lower your leg back to the ground. Alternate slow leg lifts for one minute, keeping hips stable.
- Shoulder flexibility and strength, core strength, hip stabilization.
3) Swan Dive:
(Roll down the front side of your body with control)
- Start from a plank position with knees down, hands under your shoulders.
- Slowly roll your legs, pelvis, lower belly then lower ribs onto the mat.
- Press through your hands and lift your belly as you lift back up to a neutral spine.
- Keep abdominals turned on; think of getting longer instead of gripping with your glutes.
- Strengthens spine extensors, arms, and tummy.
4) Double Leg Kick:
(Kick both heels to your bum, then extend arms, legs, and back)
- On your tummy, hands behind your back, looking over your right shoulder.
- Exhale as you kick both heels towards your bum, then inhale as you extend arms and legs and lift your chest off the mat.
- Exhale, relax back down onto the mat, look to your left and let your elbows drop to your side.
- Repeat alternating kicks, then back extension for one minute.
- Shoulder and leg strength and flexibility, Back strength, coordination.
5) Rolling Like A Ball:
(rolling on your back with control)
- From seated, lift your feet and hold on to either the backs of your legs or ankles.Knees turn out like a frog.
- Slowly roll back onto your upper back, then back to seated without touching feet to the ground.
- Pull your belly button to your spine to make your roll as smooth as possible.
- Core strength, spine flexibility, control.