Thanks for taking part in our September Gratitude Challenge!

I’d love to hear how this week went for you. If you didn’t make our live wrap meeting last weekend, call or email me and let me know what was challenging, what felt easy, and if (or how) you plan to continue your daily gratitude practice.

I saved your email responses from last week, and Heather used your words to create this word cloud. Thanks Heather!

If you would like to dive deeper into self care, positive change, and healthy movement, set up a consultation with me this week! We will discuss your goals, how you are eating, sleeping, and caring for yourself, and what a reasonable, actionable next step might be for you.

If healthy movement is part of your plan, and you find exercising more enjoyable when you meet with a group, we have a few spots available in the Monday 6 pm yoga class, and the Thursday 10 am R.O.S.S. class. If one on one personal training or coaching sessions are more your style, I have Wednesdays and Fridays at 2 pm available. For these one on ones, I ask you to commit to two months of twice weekly training sessions.

Anne McCranie is a Portland based personal trainer. She works with her clients one on one and in small groups to create a culture of healthy movement. Click here to read about her trademarked R.O.S.S. concept, and here for this Monthly Five.

The First Rule of Fit Club is…

Tell everyone you know about Fit Club!

What is Fit Club?

  • A monthly subscription service that automates payments.
  • A library of 5 – 60 minute fitness and meditation videos.
  • Weekly fitness classes, personal training, massage therapy or coaching.

Who is Fit Club?

You! Once you are signed up you receive the bennies above, plus Fluid gear and access to our yearly programs like the September Challenge.

You may choose from one of three options: videos only, videos and classes, or videos and one-on-one training. Need fitness gear like a band or yoga mat? Call me and I will mail you one (or drop off on your porch if you are local).

Where is Fit Club?

Right now all of our classes are online via Zoom. In addition to Zoom, I am going to a few clients homes here in Sellwood for massage therapy and personal training. Contact me to discuss schedule and availability. My goal is to ensure your safety, while providing you with excellent value and service.

Why should I join Fit Club?

Do you need support from a lovely group of ladies? Do you need accountability from me? Do you suffer from chronic pain, or are you finding it more and more challenging to make time for self care? Welcome to the land of Fluid, where we focus on safe, effective strength and mobility training, myofascial release, and meditation.

How do I sign up?

  • Click here to sign up for videos. $24 per month. One new video is emailed to you each week.
  • Click here to sign up for monthly class subscriptions, starting at $64 per month.
  • Call me to schedule one on one training, massage therapy, or coaching, 503-705-4762.

Who do you know who would also benefit from this? Can you connect me with your special person?

Thanks, I appreciate you!


September Gratitude Challenge Starts On The 19th!

To join this challenge send an email saying “I’m in!” to

What is it:

  1. Sit with us live Saturday the 19th at 11 am PDT (or catch up later with the audio recording).
  2. Receive an email prompt from me, once each day, for 7 days.
  3. Write down one thing you are grateful for.
  4. Respond to my email, or post your daily gratitude on Fluid’s facebook page (if social media is your thing).
  5. Notice your feelings.

I am thankful for you!

This year we are changing up our September Challenge. In years past we have focused on nutritious food, healthy movement, basically using this time of year as a fresh start to get back on track, or back into a routine. This year feels so very different. Rather than a list of assignments, we are focusing on one thing – gratitude!

Studies show that expressing gratitude can improve your sleep, reduce cellular inflammation, and strengthen your relationships. While it may not feel like it right now, we have many things, and people to be thankful for.

How do you express gratitude? You can send your special person a quick text, or an email, you can write out an actual handwritten thank you card (yes, like with a stamp, thru the mail!), you can call your person and tell them what they mean to you. This could also be a more personal thing, maybe you keep a gratitude journal, that only you read.

So how do we get going? Join us live for a Zoom group meditation Saturday September 19th at 11 am. We will set our goals for the week, talk about possible stumbling blocks and how to address them, then sit for 30 – 45 minutes. you may join us for part or all of this, and I will record an audio file of our meditation that you can re-listen to anytime.

Each day I will email you one short prompt. I challenge you to spend one minute each day reflecting on gratitude. Start small, literally one minute, write down one thing, and see where this goes. Notice how this process makes you feel. Do it every day, first thing in the morning, creating a habit.

To join this challenge send an email saying “I’m in!” to

To recap our plan:

  1. Sit with us Saturday the 19th at 11 am.
  2. Read your daily email prompt from me.
  3. Write down one thing you are grateful for.
  4. Respond to my email, or post your daily gratitude on Fluid’s facebook page.
  5. Notice how this daily gratitude habit makes you feel.

Help me spread the word! Who do you know who would benefit from this? Can you send your special person this post, inviting them to join the September Gratitude Challenge?

Thanks, I appreciate you!


Wakanda Forever!

I’ve been feeling the sads this week. Since I’m usually a positive person, when I do feel depressed or anxious it really throws me for a loop. Right now it feels like things that should be easy are difficult, and the bad things that are happening will go on forever. My brain knows that this is not true but my little heat is like “brain, are you sure about this?”

I took myself off social media, took some work off my schedule, talked to people who care about me, and got out in nature. I started to feel a little better, but what helped me turn the corner yesterday was stumbling upon this video of Chawick Boseman.

If you don’t know, he was an actor who recently passed away. He was an inspiration to people across all ages and cultures. While undergoing cancer treatment he filmed 4 movies, and regularly visited sick children in the hospital. If he could stay positive through all this, I can stay positive thru the small things that have been putting a cramp in my style.

In this video is he gets to see and hear people thank him and talk about what he means to them and how his actions have positively impacted their lives. The young boy’s face right around the two minute mark… just watch it…

Who has made a positive impact on your life? Can you call your special person today and let them know?

YOU have made a positive impact on me, and I appreciate you!

*LIVE* Interview with Jerry – AKA Portland Pizza Peddler

Did y’all miss our live interview with Jerry – AKA Portland Pizza Peddler? Catch up with the recording below!

I accidentally scheduled Jerry’s interview the middle of the Blazers game. We didn’t do push ups or anything fitnessy, just cracked some beers (well he had a beer, I had a glass of wine) and talked about Chicago-style pizza, our favorite Portland food carts, and the Blazers of course.

You are welcome to listen to these interviews with the video off like you would a podcast (although you will miss seeing Jerry’s epic ‘stash!).

I’m Anne McCranie, owner of Fluid Movement + Massage LLC. I started doing these almost weekly “pandemic interviews” in April 2020 as a way to entertain myself, and to expose you, the people I love, to interesting people and ideas. We’ve learned about skincare, decluttering, automating your day, technology, running safety, insurance, mental toughness, acupuncture, intermittent fasting, R.O.S.S., the farmers market, and dance lessons. Who should we chat with next?